How to upload your files directly on AWS S3 Bucket with Cyberduck

If you have multiple files to send to Nomalab, Nomalab can provide you an AWS S3 Bucket, where you will be able to drop your files via software like Cyberduck.

This way, you will have a more consistent connexion than using your web browser upload.

WARNING : It is mandatory to use a clear naming for your files, to help Nomalab to retrieve them easily and upload them on your organisation stock in Nomalab.

1/ First step is you ask for a AWS S3 Bucket creation.

2/ When bucket has been created, you can download and install Cyberduck for Mac Software

3/ When the software is launched and ready, click on "+" button at the bottom left of the window


New menu opens


A/ Give a name to your S3 bucket, to easily retrieve it in your software

B/ Enter your Access key in this area (given by Nomalab)

C/ Enter the Secret Key given by Nomalab

D/ Enter the bucket name given by Nomalab

When everything is filled, go back to the previous menu and double click on the disk you just created

It opens a new page where you will be able to upload your files by a simple drag and drop.